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The Power of Learning in Agile

I have recently seen a few articles that question the effectiveness of Agile, but the truth is that Agile methodologies (SAFe, Scrum, XP, etc) have revolutionised the way teams work. The true power of Agile lies not just in its principles and tools but in the #mindset that underpins it. And without the mindset, the processes won’t stick.

And I am talking about #MINDSET (yes, in capitals).

While I see many teams successfully adopt Agile frameworks, it is equally true they often overlook a critical element: Learning.

👉 As an Agile Coach I have observed teams have a tendency to focus on delivering features quickly, sometimes at the expense of #continuousimprovement. When this happens, not only are we moving away from becoming learning organizations, we are also putting at risk the effectiveness of the process. Who can help drive this change? 1) Leaders, modelling the right behaviours and providing the necessary support and 2) hashtag#ScrumMasters, fostering a continuous improvement culture by encouraging open and honest feedback, facilitating retrospectives and learning slots at team and individual levels.

👉 As a Business Transformation Consultant promoting an Agile environment, I have come to understand #lifelonglearning is more important than ever. I have had to face and challenge my own MINDSET, to “unlearn” practices that seemed outdated and “learn and relearn” new ones to stay relevant in my field. But all the hard work (nobody said it was going to be easy!) comes with rewards: it has helped build my confidence immensely and has definitely helped me help others navigate uncertainty without the anxiety that change can bring.

So what behaviours should we exhibit on the journey to becoming a #LearningOrganization?

❇️ MINDSET: Start with awareness and self-reflection, take the initiative

❇️ MINDSET: Address fear of failure head-on. When we view mistakes as setbacks, we are missing an opportunity to learn and grow.

❇️ MINDSET: Embrace a continuous and collaborative learning model. By doing so, teams can transform into dynamic and high performing units.

❇️ MINDSET: Create a safe space where team members feel comfortable experimenting, making mistakes, and learning from them. Let’s not pretend we have that environment if we don’t…

❇️ MINDSET: Fire up your curiosity and step out of your comfort zone, you will reach new heights!

Remember, learning is a lifelong journey, so embrace the challenge and enjoy the process!


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